All Entries

Car Free
Pablo Alvarado, Mark Rossiter, Jemima Manton and Lachlan McDougall

Pandemic Memorial
David Cadena and Antoine Portier on behalf of Sadd

Goodlet Street Community
Lee Hutchings on behalf of the Goodlet St Community, Surry Hills

Turning vacant lands above the Cross City Tunnel into Community Gardens and Cafe
David Mackinnon

ChillOUT Hubs: Smart Open-Air Community Spaces
Street Furniture Australia

Outdoor Room Concept
Street Furniture Australia

Yang Yang Lee

Accordion Streets
Iuliana Morar

The Umbrella Project
Andrew Hoyne

Palm Garden
Marianne Glinka

Lancer Barracks Square
Chris Taylor

Jye Brien

Eve Bartolo

Payphone upgrade to a microclimate community portal
Eve Bartolo

Lines of Fire
Rachel Moody

Unity Centre
Radia Tashkina Rifa

Sydney’s Biophilic Alleys
Hao Tu

The Bowral Common (Glebe Precinct)
Nick Corbett

Central Blue
Jeanette Brokman

Extinction Lane
Clementine Cockrell

Projected Lives
Brett Davis

Jatin Midha

The Temporary Garden Seat
Kate Cavanough

Revitalising Union Square Pyrmont
Leone Huntsman

Meet Me At The Bridge
Giulia Mardaga

Sydney’s Guerilla Art Day
Kate Hannaford

Lara Hoffman Ritch

Regenerating Productive Nutrientscape
Fan (Zoe) Wang

McGregor Coxall

Glebe Bridge Island
Jacob Levy

Innovative Open Spaces
Shireen Bernstein

Football World Cup Hub
Xaever Mand

Raising the Lawn
Iris Guo

The Changing Playground
Helen Morgan

Chicken Street
Simon Trick

HEART PARKS – Nature Strips
Lara Hoffman Ritch

Lara Hoffman

Lara Hoffman Ritch

Sydney, Getting Out and About
Mark Whitty

Meet & Eat Street
Simon McPherson

HEART PARKS – Local Reserves
Lara Hoffman Ritch

The garden of railways
Thomas Walder

COVID-19 Community Chalkboards
Alexandra Jucovic

Sydney Summer Outdoor Co-working Spaces
Alexandra Jucovic

Infrastructure as Landscape
Mark Saint Pol

Returning space to the people to make Stanmore a Place again
Mathew Hounsell

Yusi’s Wild Garden
Helen Morgan

The Aroma Array
Sin Tung Vivian Chan

Sydney’s Central River City Sculpture Park & Trail
Jeanette Brokman

The Kaleidoscope
Samantha John

Inside Out
Philip John

The Sydney Square Dance
Andrew Hoyne

The Bowl
Campbell Barnes

A-maze and In Awe
Angie Chen

Branko Jaric

River Culture
Esteban Insausti

Spaces Between
Frost* collective

Robert Ventura

Greening of the Inner-City Laneways of Newtown
Donna Robinson

Suzette Meade

Transforming Wentworth Park
Preet Desai

Pop-Up Open and Public Spaces
Gilead Chen, Adrian Bonanni

Fun Fast Forests
Sikkharini Cintantyadwisthi, Kulkiran Bedi, Helen Carter, Henry Mellen

Connecting Central
Mark Saint Pol, Julia McLachlan, Werner Venter, Hugo van Niekerk, Luke Coughlan, Gavin Cook

Pick a lane
Mark Saint Pol, Julia McLachlan, Werner Venter, Hugo van Niekerk, Luke Coughlan, Gavin Cook

The Modern Carpark
Kevin Jain, Tash Velkou, Van Tran

Sydney International Park
Pete Kityanyong, Narges Ahmadpour

Louise Williamson, Rajesh Bhardwaj

Welcome To CommunityHub!
Terence Yong

All Hail The New King
Brittany Johnston, Caitlin McCarthy, Liz Andersen

An interactive tour of Sydney
Amelia Barry, Matthew Roach

Harshiv Jot Singh Banwait, Lewis Conte

Eureka Bridge
Jiawei Tao, Junyi Li, Zhuoran Mao

Landscape as Infrastructure
Mark Saint Pol, Julia McLachlan, Werner Venter, Hugo van Niekerk, Luke Coughlan, Gavin Cook

Siddharth Shasidharan, Sahana Shasidharan

John Dunn, Anne Warr & Tim Schwager

The Micro Plaza
Andrew Guthrie, Ben Thomson, Rebecca Bailey, Erica Orfanos, Gokhan Karpat and Ariel Utz Wirnsberger

Syarita Amalasari & Wani Chan

Reclaiming the harbour foreshore
Neda Vandchali & the multi-disciplinary team of Woollahra Council

Rookwood Cemetery Skyward Views
Natalie Gane

Open Space Upgrade
Alan Tan, Nathaniel Coelho, Richard Saliba & Jeong (Tommy) An

Reserve Upgrade
Alan Tan, Nathaniel Coelho, Richard Saliba & Jeong (Tommy) An

The Streetbox
Marcelo Diaz & Karla Diaz

Castle Cove to Chatswood Greenway
Nick Chapman, Norma Shankie-Williams & Wil Robertson

Jonathan Fleri, Michael Barnett, Kaylie Salvatori, Stacey Edwards, Chang Liu, Julia Delaney & Kimberly Commerford

Cleaner, greener, activated streets
David James & Melanie Haymet

Luke Wolstencroft & the City Strategy team at City of Parramatta Council

Daniel Spicer, Pip Meachin, Crystal Dunn, Andrew Mason, Saskia Ruting, Annabelle Spillane & Ellie Winstanley

Paint + Projections
John Caldwell ,Hannah Edwards, Glenda Yiu, Guy Hollingum, Samuel Butler & John Caldwell

Rooftop=Everything [R=E]
Samuel Butler, Hannah Edwards, Glenda Yiu, Guy Hollingum, John Caldwell, Samuel Butler

Bow Bowing Creek Transformation
Kate Stares & a team from Campbelltown City Council.

Revitalising @ George Street
Zihan Yu, Jaye Lin & Jiahang Li

Vacant Space to Verdant Place
Sara McGufficke, Michael Spackman & Andrew Coruzzi

Chifley Plaza
Jessica Bainbridge, Matt Nix, Dennis Diaz & Katherine Day

X2 Public Space: Reimagining Balmain Reservoir
Michelle Cramer, Kate Moriarty, Kiki Nizette & Belinda Daly

Sustainable transformation of the Darling Harbour
Iryna Udovenko, Andriy Brodovoy, Mariia Komendant & Lydmyla Bilodid

Claire Edwards & Sophia Lam

Willy Wonka & the Covid Clinic
Neda Vandchali & the multi-disciplinary team of Woollahra Council

Bondi Rescue
Jessica Hodge & Keegan Lovell

Transforming the Streets of Sydney with Skiplet
Rebecca McHenry & Matt York

Layers of adventure
Neda Vandchali & the multi-disciplinary team of Woollahra Council

Sculptures in the City
Laura Trevini, Daniel Gunning & Marianne Chemuel

The Pipeline
Adrian Bonanni

The driving seat system
Peiran Liu

Local Loop
Joel Spencer, Stefan Vogt

Flyover Sydney
Adrian Bonanni

Adrian Bonanni

Board of Expression
Wiley Park Girls High School Yr 10 STEM Class

Pitt St Mall Precinct
Kel Foster, Amy Copley, Diego Eguiguren, Kristi Grose, Zachary Karantonis, Alfredo Medina, Stacey Nichols, Kylie Soltani & Chris Zerial

ACcessible COMmunity ModuleS
Guy Hollingum, Hannah Edwards, Glenda Yiu, John Caldwel & Samuel Butler

Tree Canopy Cover. Real-time Transparency.
Jeanette Brokman

Hawkesbury Highline
Julia Morton, Nicky Coss & David Johnston

Altaf Khan

A New Moon brings the rebirth of Jannali
Stephanie Crossley, Lori Dean, Nicole Hutton

On Oxford – A District for New Ideas
Laura Trevini, Daniel Gunning & Marianne Chemuel

Australia’s Urban Room
Katie Rathbone, Philip Vivian, John Culshaw, Nikolay Pechovski, Katie Rathbone, Annika van Leeuwen & Dominique Broomfield

Landcom Liveable Street
Jennifer Sweeney

Sydney Canopy
Jeroen van Kernebeek, Henry Ko

Emma Rees-Raaijmakers

Sydney’s Pedestrian Boulevard
Katie Rathbone, Philip Vivian, Fraser McKay, Santiago Catanzano, Nikolay Pechovski, Katie Rathbone & Annika van Leeuwen

Indigenous Sydney
Emma Mitchell

Emma Rees-Raaijmakers

The Aussie Story
Harrison Andrews & Joseph Hanna

Better Outdoors
Sarah Barns, Michael Killalea

Bradfield Park for North Sydney
Margaret Petrykowski

Hungry Bins!
Orla Blackmore

Gabrielle Filtz & Emile Rademeyer

A Grounded Approach
Calum York, Jed Finnane

Sydney Hive
Shao Liang Lu

Community Park(ing)
Tiffany Liew

A Harbour for All
Joe Rowling, Javier Arcila, Connie Yan, Florencia Vespasiano

Nicole Dennis, Andreea Toma & Rasmus Frisk

Touching the Water
Cox Architecture

Public seats as public art. Enable social distancing artistically
Gabrielle Filtz & Emile Rademeyer

Public futures cafe
Michael Dobbie, Meryl Karlson

The Urban Patchwork
Yann Frampton, Lara Hutcheson, Rachel Smith & Ann-Liz Hourani (Stantec)

Vanessa Trowell, David Barnard & Victoria King

The Pedestrian Superhighway
Andrew Hoyne

Theatre Festival at RAS
Esteban Insausti

Vanessa Trowell, David Barnard & Victoria King

Joanna Ahtypis, Stephanie Austin

Pop up High Line Weekend Trial
Nigel Dickson, Luke Hiorns, Carlo Pascaran, Anne Warr & John McInerney

High Line Begins
Nigel Dickson, Luke Hiorns, Carlo Pascaran, Anne Warr & John McInerney

High Line Completed
Nigel Dickson, Luke Hiorns, Carlo Pascaran, Anne Warr & John McInerney

The Healing of The Hill
Nigel Dickson, Luke Hiorns, Carlo Pascaran, Anne Warr & John McInerney

Emma Rees-Raaijmakers

Armory Sculpture Park
Esteban Insausti

Urban Trails
Zoya Kuptsova, Rebeca Grinspum

Public Square Oyster Bar
Steve O'Connor

Cartwright Agriculture Hub
Rachel Kohan, Ed Steane, David Petrie, Jo Carmichael & Tim Atkinson

Lane Gateways
Rebeca Grinspum, Zoya Kuptsova

High Cross Park: Traffic Island to Thriving Park
Haluk Camcigil, Matthew Stephens

Curb-side Cycle Repair Shop
Steve O'Connor

Building Blox
Natalie Mortlock

Glebe Point Road
Sonali Raj

Unlocking South Sydney’s Newest Blue-Green Grid
Marc Tarca, Stephen Moore, Antonio Pozzi, Charlie Chen & Oleg Bilotserkevych

For a more productive public space
Danny Le

Biophilic Bus Stop
Vanessa Trowell, Suzie Barnett, Sam Kennet, David Barnard & Victoria King

Home Grown/Koori Grown

Reimagining the everyday
Andrew Dane, Sophie Sachs, John Nicholson

A Parliament for Outside Dialogue
Damien Butler, Laura Guépin

Shrimptons Creek Bushwalk Activation
Edward Scott, Malcolm Campbell, Harry Evan, Adiona Manyere, Kirsten Picard, Heath Yan

Crosbie Lorimer, Chak Chan, Joshua Harold, Cilla Jiao, Martin O'Dea, Jessica Tang, Katherine Webster
Castle Hill Green Ring

The Callan Park Placemaking Experience
Jo Kelly, Emile Rademeyer

Phillip Street Smart Street, Parramatta
Adam Cook

Stairway to Nowhere
Graeme Pattison

Pine Reserve
Rithvik Kanduri

John Wearn Reserve, Carlingford
Adam Cook

Organic Ascendance
Toshiki Norimura

Floating Parks
Jackson Cranfield, Michele McSharry, Tommy Heng, Kyle Wilson & Laura Connell

Cahill Park
Pablo Alvarado, Mark Rossiter, Jemima Manton, Lachlan McDougall

OMG Rotundas
Jess Miller & Claire Sutton

Emma Rees-Raaijmakers

Asquith Town Centre Improvements
Matthew Stephens

In-A-Job Park
Nathan Clausen, Jason Taylor, Kate Phillips, Tim Ivers & Kelsy Pearce

BADU The arteries of Country and Culture
Annie Tennant, Alison Page, Emily McDaniel, Chels Marshall, Christian Hampson

[Lonely Hearts] Garden Club
Jess Miller & Claire Sutton

Little Plant Library
Lei Zhang, Anna Chauvel

Cahill Terrace
Richard Nugent, Jing Li & Di Wu

Emma Rees-Raaijmakers

Community Heart
William Story

Dancing in the Street
Jess Miller & Claire Sutton

Outdoor Dojo/ Ashram
Jess Miller & Claire Sutton

Wild St
Jason Goh

Regenerative Resting Places
Jess Miller & Claire Sutton

Using Sydney’s Forgotten Land
Cox Architecture

“Bungee” Cockatoo Island Crane
David Vago

Living Laneways
Jess Miller & Claire Sutton

David Vago

Hickson Greenway
Richard Nugent, Jing Li & Di Wu

Spacebook-Finding your space
Nelson Gomes, Duyen Nguyen, Michelle Thomas Zacharia

Castle Hill Green Ring
David Buckley

Bush Food Public Spaces
David Buckley

Pop-up Roller Derby & Skate Parks.
Jess Miller & Claire Sutton

Together Inclusive. Together United.
Jackson Tait

The Big Lid
Cox Architecture

Bennelong Walk
Jonathan Dart

Arthur Walker Reserve, Concord
John Hempstead

David Vago

Kamay Botany Bay
David Vago

Traceback our Pathways
Kirsty White

Trickle Gardens
Ross Gibson

Bondi Beach
David Vago

Gallery Opinion
Morgan Thomas

Music in the Park
Gareth Collins

Bondi Junction Town Square

Trumper Park Revisited
Robert Joyner

Fix up Carss Park Pool
Marina McGregor

David Vago

Parks as thoroughfares
Peter Braithwaite

Rings of Experience
Mantej Singh, David Martin, Mark Armstrong, June Lee Boxsell, Tiffany Hoy, Richard Nugent, Jing Li & Di Wu

Increasing our bandwidth

Boundary Street & Edward Street Plazas

Saving Willow Grove. A win-win.
Jeanette Brokman, Suzette Meade

David Vago

Mike Horne

Demonstrating place making and safe streets in Enmore
Mathew Hounsell

Callan Park
Gino Vumbaca, Garth Popple

Matt Coggan and Ben Riach

David Vago

The Spot
Maggie Lokic

Mike Horne

Mantej Singh, David Martin, Mark Armstrong, June Lee Boxsell, Tiffany Hoy, Richard Nugent, Jing Li & Di Wu

Mike Horne, Danica Bird and Ben Riach

Pop Up Jungle
Lawrence Liang, Greg Ives, Guy Raithby-Veall, Ray Yue, Wendy Hu, Nicole Liang

The Community Garden
Liezl Pajarin

Tactile distance markers
Kim Samuel

Botanical Baths
Tara Murphy, Mitchell Clifton & Heidi Jones

Open Glenbrook Tunnel
Adam Podolski

Inspired by Country Our Urban Gullies and Plateaus
Artur Chyra, Stephen Moore, Antonio Pozzi

Louise Obrien & Winnie Pham

Treehouse Moonlight Cinema
Ngoc (Jade) Van

The YARDlet
Adam Jeffery, Nadia Greatbatch, Jing Weng, Paul Angus

Clifftop Public Walking Track adjacent to HMAS Watson
John Faulkner, Elle Pacholski and Ian Napier

Waminda Parker, Miles Holmes

Team Work makes the Dream Work
Jeff Jones & Kristina Reynolds

The Silent Service
Trish Johnson

Green Spaces and Places with Purpose
Waminda Parker

Greening pipes to cool Sydney’s west
Lidia Lewis, Tessa Colclough, Glenda Yiu, Samyuktha Pillai & Victor Caringal

Air Booths
Ngoc (Jade) Van

Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Collette Skinner, Amy Clark, Michael Richards, Robert Reid, Susanna Tomassen, Kate Tuff, Tiffany Supatra, Emily Cassar, Jason Pereira, Nazmul Khan, Nicholas Lucchese, Aiden Morse, David Garcia, Laurence Hardy, Sam Shepherd

Chair Stackers
Ngoc (Jade) Van

Urban micro-meadows
Abinaya Rajavelu, Sarah Reilly & Elise O'Ryan

Sydney’s Digital Placemaking
Russell King

One is better than two
William Conley

Family Fun Zone
Fintan Daly

Let it Bee

Wonderfully waiting: Community living rooms
Abinaya Rajavelu, Sarah Reilly & Elise O'Ryan

Draw the curtain!
Antoine Portier, David Cadena

Ghost Koala
Catherine Welsh

Tiny Cloud Forests
Mark Tyrrell, Dan Sharp, Saneia Norton, Sarah Yates, Swastika Mukherjee, Lorena Simone & Hayley Mulder

‘Yaama’ Street Furniture Design
Nicole Kyriacou

The Whole From The Whole
Ellen Woolley

All access pass to culture
Abinaya Rajavelu, Sarah Reilly & Elise O'Ryan

For cars by day and people by night
Abinaya Rajavelu, Sarah Reilly, Estelle Grech & Elise O'Ryan

Monument to the Unknown Drinker
Sam Bompas

It’s A Happening World
Naomi Shaw, Dr Zena O'Connor and Jonathan Watcham

Waterloo Precinct: Cultural Space
Thanh Duong

Natalie Taliana

News Just Landed
Sam Bompas

Public Office
Cox Architecture

30 kph limit for non arterial roads
Ian Napier, Paul Tranter and Rodney Tolley

3D Deluxe
Neve Pelizzari

Rubbish Artwork
Toshiki Norimura

Sydney, river city
Belqis Youssofzay`, David Hart

Rozelle Pool
Kerwin Datu

Jeanette Brokman

Temporary Suburban Activation
Cox Architecture

Bushland Bathing
Edwina Laginestra

Jo Blackmore, Belinda Dods, Jake Blackmore

Mobile Spaces for Many Places
Cox Architecture

An Huynh Thien

Waste Not Want Not
Andre Loodewijk

The Inner West Way
Jo Blackmore, Eoin Loughlane, Grant Shu, Chi-Wai Ku, Matt Endacott, Carol Lau-Fiso, Emily Chan and Jan Michael Catarroja

Communal Wood Fired Pizza Ovens
Laurine Croasdale

Welcome to our City
Richard Reyes, Bill Tsakalos, Matthew Sales, Nathan Brasier

Filling the Blanks
Cox Architecture

Spatial Form
Cox Architecture

Customs House Pier, Circular Quay
Ian Napier

Play Yards
Natalia Krysiak & Tanya Vincent

Guy Luscombe, Amelia Starkey, Jon Johannsen, Carmel Boyce, Sarah Haq, Kerryn Lockett, Elissa McMillan

Newtown Square – build identity and connect businesses
Mathew Hounsell

Pippita Rail Trail
Lee Roberts, Bruce Ashley & Andrew Moss

Landscaped Awnings
Douglas Bennett

Street Parks
Aditya Malshe

The Big COVID Park
Soumya Mazumdar

Liverpool Station’s carpark by day and festive market place by night
Kerry Tran, Stephanie Crossley & Lori Dean

Project Art
Douglas Bennett

Colourful playground
Louise Obrien & Winnie Chua

The Powerhouse Reimagined
Ken Unsworth

10 Minutes Less; Less than 10 Minutes
Wendy Wang & Qiaoxia Qiu

Remaking the Cahill – From Expressway to Greenway
Steve Anders

Outback in the city
Louise Obrien & Winnie Chua

An enjoyable face-to-face conversation is an art of human connection
Mahi Mousavifard

Gauri Torgalkar, Felicity Lewis, Diana Griffiths, Adam Natoli, Rodrigo Sepulveda & Chinmayi Holla

New Laneway 42 & 45 Darlinghurst Rd, Kings Cross
Tim Throsby

Nanga Mai Gardens Kingsford
Terry Daly

Aboriginal Vertical Gardens
Aidan Dowling

Parallel Dreams
Duane Allen

Circuit Tracks
Debbie Fransen

Above The Lines
Soo Tee Cheong and Marcus Cheong

The Hill, Glebe Waterfront
Neil Macindoe

Public School Space
Lawrence Huang

Skills Exchange Noticeboard
Michelle Xiang

Smart Street
Yanni Wang

(Dis)Oriented Curiosity
Emma Balogh-Caristo, Rebecca Hong and Kaya Vuletic

Vania Djunaidi

The Woccanmagully Steps
Andreea Toma & Rasmus Frisk

Johnston’s Creek Wetlands meets Camperdown Markets
Peter Willett, Sarah Gan-Brown, Lorraine Yuelei Li, Cindy Lin and Jessica Yue Wang

Carriageworks SuperDuper Market
Jess Miller & Claire Sutton

Share, Stay, Play
Cheuk Yi Chelsea Kwok, Yikun Wang & Yuexuan Zhao

Camperdown Pocket Parks
Peter Willett, Sarah Gan-Brown, Lorraine Yuelei Li, Cindy Lin and Jessica Yue Wang

Rana Abboud

The Shyness of the Crown
Ashleigh Vissel & Rachel Murray

Wolloomooloo Viaduct
Myrrhine Fabricus

Play Blocks
Lei Zhang

Epping’s Vibrant Heart
Janet McGarry

Grate Streets
Anna Chauvel

“Lombard” Terrace Streets
Peter Willett, Sarah Gan-Brown, Lorraine Yuelei Li, Cindy Lin and Jessica Yue Wang

Salisbury Steps, RPA Camperdown
Peter Willett, Sarah Gan-Brown, Lorraine Yuelei Li, Cindy Lin and Jessica Yue Wang

Taylor Square Interchange
Peter Willett, Sarah Gan-Brown, Lorraine Yuelei Li, Cindy Lin and Jessica Yue Wang

Indy Kuckreja (7 years old)

Book on Wheels
Aashwin Wijesuriya (12 years old)

Pop-up Pool Party Park
Elijah Syah (5 years old)

My Street is a Park
Georgina de Beaujeu

Victoria Steppe
Eddy Her, Enoch Mak and Joel Chan

Sydney Quay

Play Along The Way
Natalia Krysiak

Re-Dreaming Yerroulbine
Isabel Peng

TreeTop Reserve
Jesika Willison

Isabel Peng, Sara Curukovska, Elnaz Talebi

SkyHigh Reserve
Patrick Willison

Contours in Alfred St Circular Quay
Ruth McDermott

Ruth McDermott, Ben Baxter

Enlivening a Sydney laneway
Amanda Pieriboni, Emma Russell, Mary Andriotakis, Clare Coleman

Curating the commuter experience
Amanda Pieriboni, Emma Russell, Mary Andriotakis, Clare Coleman

One Tight Stitch Connects Many Miles of Green Public Space
Ellen Woolley

Kathy Ky, Nathanael Mah, Jordan Ang

Sea Wall
Kathy Ky, Jordan Ang, Nathanael Mah

Louise Obrien, Jasmine Mcwhirter

Rainbow street
Louise Obrien, Jasmine Mcwhirter

Cool pool
Louise Obrien, Jasmine Mcwhirter

The Public Quay
Rob Meyerson

Shopfront Cinema
Phillip Briggs

Coming Home
Lei Zhang

“A Little Bird Told Me So”
Susan Ghosn

Louise Obrien, Zoe Brooks

Louise Obrien, Zoe Brooks

Common(s) Utilities
Janelle Woo and Gracie Grew

The Pavilion
David Cardamone

The Forgotten Corner of Our City
Sally Hsu

The Forgotten Park
Sally Hsu

The Australian Backyard
Sally Hsu

A Bushland Experience
Bianca Hales, Molly Flanagan

Species diversity = Biodiversity and Wow
Jon Hazelwood, Michael G White

Best Low Cost Public Space Idea
Georgia Vitale, Kerrie Van Lambaart, Kristina Touma

DIY Parklet (Short Term Parklet)
Justin Hutchinson

Parkscape (medium term parklets)
Justin Hutchinson

Kitchen gardens
Justin Hutchinson

Could the community develop + ‘own’ their local parks?
Georgina de Beaujeu

Sydney Urban Plant Library Network
Ivan Ip, Christiane Whiteley, Tany Tan

Less Cars = Moore Parks
Alex Georgouras

Story-walk at local streets
Keely Poon

Long Tran

Re-Imagining Anzac Parade
Shiwei Li, Florian Craissac

Peter Murray

Small is Beautiful
Kok Hui (Desmond) Ong

Growing Faces of Sydney Suburbs
Danna Priyatna

What if this place belonged to me?
Imogen Howe, Dr Sheelagh Daniels-Mayes

Public Facilities and You
Valerie Ostermann, Georgia Alexander, Ben Michel, Liam Maccan, Michael Schönbas, Alex Longley, Amy Colgan

Steps to the Future
Isabella Di Francesco

Tri playground bike path
Sophie Buchanan
Circuit tracks

Pop-up shade

Homebush Bay Circuit
Vincent Conroy

Jacob Ainsworth

Revitalising Harbord Park
Nick Richterm Alison Murray, Melissa Palermo, Susan Tickle, Heather Lawson

Conserving the Mulgoa Valley for Future Generations
Patricia Barkley

Mark Fukuda-Oddie and Franc Conn

Bounce Street
Edie Feiner

Family Fun
Edie Feiner

Edie Feiner

Cooper Park Pond and Waterway Transformation
Kate McLaren, Mark Sheldon, Maria Atkinson, John Moran and Pete Gallagher

Blackwattle Beach and Park
Donald Denoon

Chris Fu and Alex Halim

Fun Community Park
Aashwin Wijesuriya (12 years old)

Scenic Pathways for All
Nick Hollo, Bill Avery and Ian Napier

Return to the Harbour
Yasmina Bonnet, Anne Warr, Tim Schwager and John Dunn

The Bay Run Glow Up
Isobella Lucic, Morgan Blamey, Lucas McLagan, Sophie Valentine, Samatha Hardie and Ben Radford

Yixuan Zhang

School as a community heart
Jennifer Sweeney, Anna Bardsley, Janet Chappell, Alex Boyce, Amelia Hawke and Kate Smith

Wellbeing Seeds
Anatoly Mezhov

A tree, a life, a place
Mori Li

New Harbord Park
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Bella Vista Commons
Jennifer Sweeney

Pre-contact Aboriginal Storytelling Trail
Vincent Conroy

The Talking Wall
Matthew Fung and Peter Choi

Lines No Fire Could Burn
Tom Rivard, Jon Shinkfield, Alaric Hellawell, Watkin McLennan, Luciana Acquisto, Allison Handen Chen, Brett Schreurs, Madison Marshall

Matthew Fonda

Reviving Glebe Island Bridge
Mary Mortimer

Encounters in the Every Day
Dana Nguyen

Wimbo-Warami Reserve
Lana Laureles

Stephen Ray

Spherical Skyline
Lisa Hinderdale and Sofia Hagen

Food Forest for the Soul
Suzanne de Vive

The Great Lounge Room
Peri Conlan

The Vertical Park
Rasmus Torkel

Pot Plant Climbing Mountain Street
Zara Kuckreja

Swim to You
Harry Tidd

Watsons Bay Social Precinct
Zoe Gray

Greenwood Place
Julie Lee, Annalie Reeves, Tejal Patel and Michael Cowled

Pixel Park
Claire Edwards, Jeremy Baker, Alex Wong and Sophia Lam

Erby Place Creative Plaza
Ella Coleman, Lucas Buirra-Hoy, Tamsin McIntosh, Adrian Raccosta and Faisal Halla

The O Initiative
Wendy Ray and Gretha Oost

Rabi Siu, Emily Lee and Karen Tsang

Green Threads in the Tapestry: Weaving Sydney’s Public Spaces
Cole Hendrigan

Children own their public spaces
Colin Henson

Healing The Scars
Ian Napier

Tranquil Public Park
Ayaan Bhujel

Woolloomooloo Way
David Forward

Denistone to Macquarie Park 8km Recreational Walking Route
Leigh Shearer-Heriot

A new Trackhead for the Great North Walk (GNW) via Christie Park at Macquarie Park
Leigh Shearer-Heriot

Colour In Sport
Laura Trevini, Daniel Gunning and Marianne Chemuel

Walk to Windsor – A Big Idea
Leigh Shearer-Heriot

Reclaiming street to build sustainable community
Keely Poon and Joanne Mun

Re-imagining George Street
Reeshika Vallabh

The Upside Down
Laura Trevini, Daniel Gunning and Marianne Chemuel

The Possibilities of Harbord Park
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

The improved Harbord Park
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Harbord Park Renovations
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Community Area Upgrade
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Harbord Park
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Making Harbord Park Great Again!
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

The New Harbord Park
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Creating a Colourful Harbord Park
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

New and Exclusive Harbord Park
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

The New Harbord Park (2)
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Harbord Park at its finest
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Our plans for Harbord Park
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

The New and Improved Harbord Park (2)
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Eden’s Haven
Lola Williams

Venue for Voice
John Carroll

Sky Gardens
Benjamin Scheelings

Discovery Dome
John Carroll

Water Serpent and Eggs
John Carroll

Commonwealth Star
John Carroll

Quibaree Park Lavendar Bay & Sydney Harbour HighLine to Waverton
Joan Street, David Bowman, Ian Mutton, Ross Shepherd and Chris Jennings

Streets are Shared Spaces
April Tehan and Lorena Garcia Martin

A Jungle in my Pocket
Marco Nardini

P.O.P Festival
Alexandra Jobin and Marli Roberts

Disco City
Louise O'Brien

Walking on Water: A New Linear Park
Ian Napier

Ginevra Aiello

Quadrant Park
Israel Matiu, Sydney Matiu and Nazzi Matiu

Chief Secretary’s Building
Oliver Derum

Let’s make The Domain the best outdoor concert venue in the world
Oliver Derum

The Public(s) Space
Morgan Hannan

Community Garden
Toshiki Norimura

The Unexpected Connections Project
Jordan Dempsey

The Dome

Moving Linear Space
Wei Shi

Window To The World
Jeremy Pernesz

Bat & Ball Facilities
Lise Maddocks, Hannah Tribe, Nicolas Santarini, Sharon Veale and Sacha Coles

Terra Extra
Marwan Mohamed

The Flaire Tunnel
George Cox, Bella Harris & Chris Biju

Terrace from Paris to Sydney
Mathieu Genin

A Pool Break
Jasmine Pringgo-Harjono

The Octagon
Emma Power

Jordan Ang