The Forgotten Corner of Our City
Sally Hsu

The public art strategy that ignites the spirit of a city and transport hub

Art is an expression of the soul to share a story. Culture is the characteristic and knowledge of people. Vibrant, connected communities foster both art and culture.

The infrastructure around stations, such as rail track fencing, the underside of bridges, and buildings near stations, are often neglected and are dark pockets within a city. The faces of this infrastructure can be converted to showcase community artists and provide a sense of unconscious cultural enjoyment for commuters travelling to their destinations.

Imagine, as you walk to the train station, you unconsciously pass a colourful wall of art, which forces you to stop and examine, and brings happiness to your heart. As you sit on the train and look aimlessly outside the window, various images pop-up in front of your eyes, and you are taken into a seep state of enjoyment. You reach your destination, suddenly, and you feel happy, confident and hopeful. It’s the start of your day and there are so many possibilities.

Unconscious art covering derelict transport infrastructure is a low-cost public space idea that can transform the outlook of a community and support its local artists. Decorating derelict transport infrastructure improves the overall community look and provides an object of pride to local residents. Unconscious admiration and education within the community strengthen the culture of the community, which is reflected back into the art.

Visible public art supports the legacy of a culturally connected community.


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