Using Sydney’s Forgotten Land
Cox Architecture

Transforming residual space from infrastructure projects for community gain

Sydney is becoming increasingly well connected by an extensive and world-class network of transport infrastructure. Elevated viaducts for roads and rail are a means of connectivity but have you ever wondered what’s beneath them? How could these spaces be used to maximise public benefit? There are benefits for vehicular movement across the city, but they often disadvantage the local, community-scale movement, carved in two by the infrastructure, and left with hostile, noisy, smelly interfaces.

There is a great opportunity to transform these residual spaces into public places by introducing programs, events and activities such as playgrounds for young and old, to bring dignity, joy and life to a place that might otherwise be avoided. The great thing is, these spaces already exist!

Transforming our forgotten spaces under freeways, roads and bridges will provide new sheltered public space for the Sydneysiders who might otherwise feel disconnected by the infrastructure. Turning a constraint into an opportunity for greater community connectivity and recreation.

The project will create small moments of surprise and delight, with unexpected activities and oases for surrounding communities. One great benefit of residual space under freeways and bridges is that they provide sheltered spaces, that can be of great benefit in the heat of summer and in the pouring rain.

The project transforms the way we think about our use of space around infrastructure projects, providing multi-purpose community uses with residual land.

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