Liverpool Station’s carpark by day and festive market place by night
Kerry Tran, Stephanie Crossley & Lori Dean

Activating and transforming an underutilised public commuter car park space into a vibrant night market.

It is a Wednesday night, the commuter car park at Liverpool Station is guarded only by the occasional car and without a soul in sight. Late-night shoppers hurry from Westfield down the silent streets towards the station, bags held tight. Darkness blankets the car park, only broken by the occasional hiss of engines and the dance of headlights. Alone, a commuter ventures across
the dark expanse toward the platform comforted by the dim from the streetlights at the edge of the precinct.

The next evening, as dusk breaks—the commuter car park is transformed into a vibrant night market, the weekly event is anticipated by locals, visitors and workers. The warm glow of fairy lights, the soft beat of music and the hustle and bustle from the market stalls return life to the station precinct. Attracted by the light, people skip their way towards the pop-up night markets like a moth to the flame. Steam rising from the food trucks pass mouth-watering scents across the queues of people in line for a melting pot of cultural treats and flavours. Family and friends chatter at their tables whilst children play together across the asphalt art.

As the sun slumbers, the light from the Thursday night markets refuses to sleep as the beat from the buskers creates a symphony marching into the night. The chant ignites a vibrancy across Liverpool’s nightlife spreading to local bars and restaurants alike

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