Traceback our Pathways
Kirsty White

A cycle project that unveils and celebrates our Aboriginal city shaping ancient pathways.

By tracing the significant Aboriginal tracks across the Sydney-city region, research shows that these pathways align with several important existing city streets.

We propose to mark, celebrate and better connect our citizens by transforming these routes into important cycle-friendly streets, for all ages and abilities. Connecting us to Country’s story, the cycleways will connect culturally significant local and metropolitan green open spaces and will be a landmark project when viewed from a distance and above.

The bi-lane cycle infrastructure will connect people to centres and places of exchange. With safe and protected infrastructure and the introduction of the e-bike (range of 20-50kms), the challenges of cycling in Sydney; safety, distance, topography, and long exposure to heat and humidity are mitigated. As such, our 20-minute city model could reach more people connecting us culturally and socially whilst benefitting our physical and mental health, wellbeing and the economy.

Through engagement with elders, community and future leaders in combination with public art opportunities, we would embrace the unique narratives and identity of each of these routes and the spaces they connect.

The street interventions will provide a big impact and sustainable change. Reducing urban heat island effect through a multi-purpose median which allows for cyclist protection, floating bus stops, lighting, bike racks and a landscaping buffer with increased tree canopy and biodiversity corridor.

We propose the COVID-19 pandemic period as a ‘trial period’ to support social distancing with ambition for permanent implementation. With further research, a greater network can be identified.

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