Biophilic Bus Stop
Vanessa Trowell, Suzie Barnett, Sam Kennet, David Barnard & Victoria King

Our bland bus stop zones are screaming

The Biophilic Bus Stop transforms the humble bus stop into a place that is functional, beautiful and biophilic. As our city grows, we need infrastructure that can keep pace, delivering the fundamental systems and services that keep people connected with high-quality public transport. Travelling by public transport is transformed into a restorative and informative experience.

The Biophilic Bus Stop delivers a natural canopy, planted with endemic species, that depollutes the air, increases biodiversity and decreases temperatures in densely populated areas. To increase the volume of clean air the bus stop utilises Junglefy’s Breathing Wall technology, scientifically proven to remove harmful air pollutants.

The transformed bus stops include an educational interactive introducing the history of the site including its indigenous name and inclusion of native plant species from the area. This information will be available alongside embedded travel information technology including QR codes.

Each bus stop creates a civilised environment to meet and wait in comfort and safety. Especially in hostile, noisy and polluted street environments, the Biophilic Bus Stop brings dignity, shelter and respite to passengers. The canopy design returns precious footpath space to people walking or cycling.

The Biophilic Bus Stop is a simple, enriching and scalable adaptation of vital infrastructure to enhance the lives of people as they move around the city for work and play. It will allow people to reconnect to nature in their everyday lives whilst strengthening place, community and connection throughout greater Sydney.


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