Cartwright Agriculture Hub
Rachel Kohan, Ed Steane, David Petrie, Jo Carmichael & Tim Atkinson

Transforming Cartwright’s green spine to a place of community pride

The idea is to rejuvenate the connected pedestrian and cycling pathways within the Cartwright housing development in Liverpool LGA with a community lead agricultural hub.
Cartwright is Radburn style neighbourhood with a series of cul-de-sac roads to the back of the house and a shared front lawn connecting to open space. Like many Radburn style neighbourhoods, the vision didn’t eventuate. The lack of use has led to poor passive security and safety issues which are being exacerbated with residents installing high front yard fences.

The idea transforms the underutilised open space to a place of local community pride with a unique agricultural hub, a community garden and an area for beehives and biodiversity to thrive. It gives the open space a purpose and can be used by all members of the community whether it’s for an agricultural hobby, to collect free herbs and honey, a place for children to learn about the agriculture or to simply enjoy the place. Excess produce could also be sold to generate money to reinvest in the space. The idea will provide an enjoyable, direct connection for pedestrians and cyclists to their local shopping centre and facilities in Miller. Improved wayfinding, it will also encourage sustainable travel behaviour for short local trips. This idea brings activity to the space increasing the passive surveillance of the space improving the perceived safety of the area.

Other features could include interactive lighting along the path, a children’s and elderly low impact play areas and stalls for the agricultural hubs produce.

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