Vanessa Trowell, David Barnard & Victoria King
Celebrating connection, equity and restoration - using infra[structure] as places for public joy, surprise and delight.
Sydney Harbour and the Parramatta River is arguably our city’s most precious asset. Yet its expansive natural beauty brings challenges for connections across the water between communities. Infra[Structure] restores and celebrates the river as a link and public space opportunity.
To support Sydney’s ability to grow and flow, and with a renewed focus on active transport, Infra[Structure] delivers a level crossing over the water, supercharging a vital transport corridor, linking the city together. The efficiency of Infra[Structure] allows inclusive, broader access and provides for travelling by bike to be a much quicker option than the car or bus.
Infra[Structure] is an interplay between function and delight for public benefit. The simple, thoughtful suspended structure complements and celebrates the iconic parabolic form of the Gladesville Bridge. The multi-purpose design provides a surprise new civic place for performance, meeting and events floating 14-15 metres above the river.
We know that Sydney needs to adjust away from the car and provide efficient and essential movement locally and beyond. We know that increasing safe and pleasant options for cycling commuters to leave their cars behind and travel by bike. The increasing pressure from the growth of our city calls for expanded capacity to navigate the city in line with health, environmental, and mobility benefits. This approach supports the vitality and liveability of our proudly global city.
Infra[Structure] encourages cycling and walking for commuting and recreation by delivering a sculptural, legible, connected and accessible public space that completes missing links and renews connection between communities.