Community Area Upgrade
Year 6 students at Harbord Public School

Addition of outdoor gym, vegetation patch and community centre.

Our Plan

2020 has been a real challenge, and keeping social and fit has also been tough. So that’s why we are introducing an outdoor gym, community centre and community garden.

Community Garden/Centre and Area

In order to socialise, go outdoors and enjoy a nice day, we would to have a community garden filled with vegetables and fruits grown by
the community. To help store all of the tools and seeds, the community centre can store the shovels, seeds and produce. As well as this, a cute picnic area will be included with benches and outdoor games, all for our entertainment. On top of that, the community centre will hold activities every Saturday to keep the locals happy and social. Our community centre will also include a wide variety of furniture.


During quarantine, equipment sold out everywhere. In order to stay fit without leaving our houses, the SydneySiders needed gym equipment. Well, if some of you aren’t as fortunate to be able to
afford the correct materials, we’ve got you covered! Outside of our community centre, you’ll see a cute path that leads to a gym set! This set includes a pull up bar for adults and children, a walking
simulator, a balance beam and a monkey bars! All of the equipment is brightly coloured sending good vibes to anyone around. A good way to keep happy and healthy!

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