Story-walk at local streets
Keely Poon

Evolving story highlighted with temporary street arts developed by the locals’ creativity, engagement and empowerment


  • Locals will discover temporary artworks in neighbourhood streets and transport hubs during their usual commutes.
  • Weblink included with each temporary artwork will direct them to a story and map online.
  • As they read the story online, the reader will realise they can visualise it by following the map and visiting the marked sites to discover the artworks.
  • To further engage the community, the story will not be finished. The narratives and artworks will be progressively contributed by the locals.


  •  The combination of evolving artwork and narrative fuels interests to walk in neighbourhood streets for space and/or time-constrained locals unable to visit parks or beaches.
  • Streets are reimagined as places for people; pleasant for routine commutes or recreational strolls. Dense housing areas become more welcoming.
  • Locals feel empowered with a platform to share their thoughts, visions and creativity.
  • The artwork can be located at public attractions such as heritage buildings or community gardens to renew the public’s awareness and interests.
  • The community-sourced story and art act as a catalyst for permanent solutions which can be cultivated by local councils to shape the neighbourhood as imagined and desired by the locals. Council can also develop an app which allows virtual artwork contributions by the community, viewable only at marked locations. Although higher funding is required, environmental impact is mitigated and content control is higher.
  • Creative works by locals help reflect what makes that particular suburb unique. Other suburbs can replicate the idea and create their own narrative and artworks.


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