Media Release
Time is now for vaccine passports to open way to freedom
11 August, 2021

Media contact

Matt Levinson

Sydney’s peak advocacy and urban policy think tank is calling government to mandate vaccine passports across key industries, so fully vaccinated people can start to be given increased freedoms now.

Ehssan Veiszadeh, Deputy CEO of the Committee for Sydney, said:

“In this new phase of the pandemic, people may have the right not to be vaccinated, but they shouldn’t have the right to put others in danger.

“The evidence is clear: unvaccinated people pose a far greater risk to themselves and the wider community.

“There is no reason why vaccine passports shouldn’t start being used now across industries that are already open, such as in retail settings and essential workplaces.

“Once we begin to emerge out of restrictions, these can be expanded to gyms, cinemas and tourist attractions.

The Committee’s statement lays out three key actions that should be implemented now to ensure the new vaccine passport regime is a success:

  1. Nominate a start date for each industry
  2. Require the NSW Government workforce to be vaccinated
  3. Put in place public health orders that support other employers to require vaccines.

The full statement to Committee members is here: 

The Committee’s broader Covid-19 recovery and reopening plan is here:

For interviews or more information, please contact Matt Levinson: 0499 319 385

Notes: The Committee for Sydney is the peak advocacy and urban policy think tank for Greater Sydney. We are advocates for the whole of Sydney, developing pragmatic and innovative solutions to the most important problems we face. We are funded by a group of Sydney’s leading corporations, government departments and cultural institutions. Our goal is to make Sydney the best city in the world.