
Advance Sydney as a centre for culture and fun. Get Sydneysiders to love their culture and get people to travel here to be part of it.

Fund cultural
at a high level

Think about the amazing breadth and depth of the cultural offerings – both mainstream and fringe – of cities of cities like New York, Paris, or London: it’s clear that culture can define the role of leading cities in the world. For Sydney to compete at a top level, it needs to have its own version of this — and that means funding our museums, performing arts institutions, and festivals at a level that will enable exceptional results.

Support culture in
Western Sydney

Culture needs to be part of the broader transformation of Western Sydney. That means supporting key institutions to relocate (like the Powerhouse), supporting existing Western Sydney cultural organisations - large and small, and starting new ones. Create a new cultural institution devoted to interpreting First Nation’s experience - Sydney has an incredible opportunity to develop a new cultural institution devoted to interpreting the past, present, and future of Aboriginal Australia. It could be a beacon to Australians and to the world

Create an enabling
environment for bars,
restaurants, and
music venues

Although Covid-19 was a major setback, Sydney is slowly rebuilding its nightlife after the devastation of the lockout laws. For nightlife to truly thrive will require a sea change in the way nightlife is regulated and policed – moving from a system that emphasises compliance and control, to one that welcomes and embraces people going out to enjoy a meal, a show, or a drink.

Make Sydney a
creative city

We want Sydney to support cultural production, not just cultural consumption. That means basic things like providing art and music in public schools all the way through tertiary education. It means supporting local film and TV production through investment and tax support. It means promoting Sydney’s talented performing arts organisations overseas. And it means building an ecosystem for the arts that in some ways mirrors what is in place for sport, where government takes responsibility for providing opportunities for participation to people of all ages and skill levels.

Support widespread
access to sport

Sydneysiders love playing and watching sport. Whether at major facilities in places like Moore Park and Homebush, or at local fields, we must ensure everyone in our city has access to good quality, inclusive infrastructure that enables participation.