Plan B: Better buses for Sydney
03 July, 2024

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Committee for Sydney

Report / 3 July 2024

Plan B: Better buses for Sydney

What will it take for Sydneysiders to love the bus?

Sydney buses are almost always the Plan B. When given the option, most people choose the car or train. But our existing buses have huge potential to transform how we get around our city – making it more accessible, equitable and sustainable.

Our latest report, “Plan B: Better Buses for Sydney,” outlines how we can give our bus system the revamp it deserves. There has long been an almost apologetic element to bus planning that says buses are not as important as other mass transit modes, and that we should therefore accept lower standards for buses.

The report highlights the need for improved service standards, increased frequency, and better integration with other transport networks.

Key findings include:

  • Plan for a rapid bus network across Greater Sydney
  • Create a delivery agency for the rapid bus network
  • Increase the frequency and hours of operation of all bus services
  • Review and expand the Bus Priority Infrastructure program
  • Create strategic bus hubs as part of the TOD program

Read the full report and discover how we can make Sydney’s buses more adaptive, effective, and attractive.