Past Event
Resilient Assets


Resilient Assets

Peter Dourlein

Global Asset Management Director


Wednesday 15 November 2023


9:00 am

Many of our Urban Assets are ageing and demands towards public space are shifting. Cities are under more pressure than ever to maximise the life and value of our existing assets. As our cities transition to meet decarbonisation goals, how should we manage the balance between old vs new – construction vs updating?

In this briefing, Peter Dourlein (Global Asset Management Director, Arcadis based in The Netherlands) took us through the global trends and regional best practices to futureproof our assets. This was followed by a panel discussion with fellow experts across property, policy and infrastructure.


Mark Tait, Group Executive & Head of Developments, Investa

Said Hirsh, Head of Strategy, Planning and Innovation, Infrastructure NSW

Naomi Bergman, Partner, Allens

Nezhdeh Ohanian, General Manager – Risk and Infrastructure, Port Authority of NSW

Harri Bancroft, Public Policy Advisor, Committee for Sydney