Defending Sydney


Defending Sydney report launch

Sam Kernaghan, Annelise Kerr, Adam Davis


Wednesday 18 October 2023


8:45 am

Sydney is at a crossroads, facing a housing crisis and climate crisis. Successfully solving the housing crisis will depend on whether more or less people are at risk of natural disasters and their financial impacts. The Defending Sydney report focuses on how we manage these two risks together. 

We heard from report authors Sam Kernaghan, Annalise Kerr and Adam Davis, as well as panellists Beck Dawson, Meg McDonald, Hala Hubraq and Andrew Dyer, on the key challenges and opportunities for Sydney’s climate resilience. Watch the recording here, and read the full report here.


Sam Kernaghan, Resilience Director, Committee for Sydney

Annalise Kerr, Sustainability and Resilience Consultant, AECOM

Adam Davis, ESG Advisory Lead, AECOM

Beck Dawson, Chief Resilience Officer, Resilient Sydney

Meg McDonald, Environment Commissioner, Greater Cities Commission

Andrew Dyer, Manager Land Planning Hazards, IAG 

Special thanks to AECOM and James Rosenwax for hosting this event.